jeudi 18 décembre 2008

Daredevil's drinks - Episode 3

In Elektra Lives Again, by Frank Miller, Matt has a drink with a client, that leads them to a one-night stand.
Dans "Elektra, le retour" (ou "Elektra ressuscitée", selon les éditions) par Frank Miller, Matt partage un verre avec une cliente qui les conduit à une aventure sans lendemain.

To introduce the scene, Miller uses a seemingly unrelated flashback of Matt's youth : when he was seven, he saw a man named Guido Contavespi pushed through the window of a bakery shop. He ended with a splinter of glass shoved in his chest. When he pulled it out, his lung was sucking blood and air and the bakery's owner came with waxed paper to try to slow down the sucking...

Miller introduit la scène par un souvenir d'enfance de Matt : il avait vu un homme nommé Guido Contavespi traverser la vitrine d'une boulangerie. En retirant un éclat de verre de sa poitrine, le sang et l'air étaient aspirés par le poumon perforé (c'est du pur Miller, pas gore du tout...). Le boulanger avait accouru avec du papier sulfurisé pour freiner l'aspiration.

"Hey, are they having cocktails ?"
We don't get to see Matt at his most heroic, but the scene, though a bit too cliché, makes him a very human character (some would say a stone cold player and a jerk but that's just a p.o.v.), more relatable than many heroes.
Peter Parker would probably have refused the drink because he had to go back home to see his Aunt May.
Clark Kent would have had an already busy agenda shared between Lois Lane and Wonder Woman.
Bruce Wayne would not have had the drink either... because he would have known what was coming next.
That's the thing about the Batman, he thinks of everything.
Ce n'est pas une facette très héroïque du personnage mais ce genre de scène contribue à le rendre plus humain (certains diront "salaud") que beaucoup d'autres héros.
Peter Parker aurait sans doute du refuser pour aller s'occuper de Tante May.
Clark Kent aurait décliné, son agenda étant déjà réservé pour Lois Lane et Wonder Woman. Bruce Wayne aurait dit non car il savait comment les choses s'enchaîneraient (oui, Batman sait tout et prévoit tout).

"Ce n'était pas de l'amour. Rien que du papier sulfurisé."

Une écriture typique de Frank Miller, arrivant à faire le parallèle entre un souvenir sanglant et une romance désabusée. Le moment le plus "Daredevilien" arrive quand Matt se réveille et réalise que son aventure d'un soir n'a en rien effacé son chagrin et sa douleur d'avoir perdu Elektra...
"Not like love at all. More like waxed paper." Very Millerian indeed, mixing bloody facts and bittersweet love. And the more "Daredevilian" thing about this part of the story is that Matt gets the girl and you still feel sorry for him cause that one-night stand didn't heal his sadness and pain due to Elektra's Death.

Catégorie : Blogging_Comics

1 commentaire:

Robert a dit…

You see, I think this is a very human and realistic portrayal of Matt. It's perfectly in keeping of the Matt we know - not always heroic, sometimes making wrong choices. It's the Matt we love.